Beauty · Brave Soul · Self-Compassion · Writing as Healing

Where the Water Runs Clear & the Sky is Blue

Some say that writing must come from sitting down and practicing, determined to make it happen. But mine has always come from nothingness. It has always come from a place of silence within myself. From this place, an idea, an inspiration--with a literal in breath--brings a burst of energy that gives me the strength to… Continue reading Where the Water Runs Clear & the Sky is Blue

Beauty · Blessings

Want a personal note from me?

Hello, beautiful ones~ How are you doing this week?I find myself thinking of you often, and hoping you are doing well -- finding that beautiful ooey-gooey center of peace within yourself during all the whirling energy out there in the world.I recently discovered a peaceful song on YouTube that has a healing frequency of 528… Continue reading Want a personal note from me?


It’s okay to dream the dreams you dream. {A little love note}

It’s okay to start where you are. It’s okay to allow yourself to move forward with what calls to you to do. You do not need to be held back by small mistakes of the past, or a fear or doubt that you cannot do it. Know that you are worthy of all that you… Continue reading It’s okay to dream the dreams you dream. {A little love note}


Sunshine is basically the best thing in the whole world.

I found myself sitting out in the sunshine unexpectedly today. And this is not the first time I’ve found myself with the thought, “sunshine is basically the best thing in the whole world.” It has such a life-giving and beautiful glow, and strength, beauty, and grace. It is the light that shines on our spirits… Continue reading Sunshine is basically the best thing in the whole world.